Thursday, December 10, 2009

Geri Halliwell plastic surgery

Geri Halliwell (Ginger Spice) had been rumored of several plastic surgery procedures. On her face some people think that she got her nose done, but it looks pretty much the same to us, so probably that's the nose she was born with.

Some other people think that she is regular user of non invasive procedures like botox and facial fillers, specially to achieve her high cheeks, again, we have always seen her with those high cheeks, so we don't think so. About the botox it could be since it is a very common procedure even for young people.

Her breast always have been big, but after became a mother she maybe got breast implants + breast lift mommy makeover, that could maybe include a tummy tuck in case that she was having sagging skin on her abdomen after being pregnant.

And that's it for us, the extra weight that she was having looks all gone thanks to good diet and exercise.

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